Village Noticeboard – Public Usage @ June 2017

The public use of the village noticeboard (situated in the bus shelter at the junction between The Street and Foulsham Road) was discussed at the June 2017 Parish Council meeting. It was clarified that the Parish Council does not want to impose any restrictions on its use. It follows that anyone can use the noticeboard to publicise an event, advertise services, advertise items for sale etc. and no prior permission is needed.

The Council encourages the public to use the right hand side of the noticeboard only as the left hand side is needed to post Council related material and asks that notices are removed as soon as they become irrelevant.

The Council advises that great care is taken when gaining access to the noticeboard as the doors are hinged at the bottom, so the door frames must be lowered carefully. Similarly, users must ensure the doors are closed securely afterwards. In all instances, safe use of the noticeboard is the responsibility of the people wishing to use it. Any problems or faults with the structure of the noticeboard and/or the notices posted, should be reported to the Parish Clerk in the first instance.

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