Message from the Village Hall Committee October 2021

Following the news item in the last Parish Newsletter outlining the Village Hall Committee’s plans for re-opening the hall we have had enquiries as to why we are not opening fully straight away. I hope this will help to explain our decisions.

The Trustees are legally responsible for the health and safety of hall users, employees and volunteers while they are in the building. We have re-visited the risk assessment carried out earlier in the year in accordance with government guidelines. Although the government has changed the Covid legislation those responsible for public buildings are still expected to adhere to the policies that help to protect people from catching the virus.

The responsibility for the village hall and its users has weighed heavily on the committee since the start of the pandemic. We are not a business that must open its doors in order to survive. We are volunteers who spend a great deal of our time working to ensure that the village hall can continue its role as the much-loved centre of village life, created over the years by so many of us in our community. The people who may be at risk through using the hall in the pandemic are our friends and neighbours and we would be devastated if any of them were to fall seriously ill as a result of coming into contact with the virus at the hall. Our decision-making around the opening of the hall is based on a deep sense of care and responsibility for each member of our community.

During the closure period we have worked hard to use our grant monies and donations to improve the Village Hall. Although the kitchen is finished, there is still more work to be done on the new entrance. This has been greatly delayed by a number of Covid-related issues. The building won’t be ready to open until this work is complete. We plan a phased re-opening of the hall beginning in November, when we are reasonably confident that everything will be in place.

Coffee Shop and the Friday Bar rely on volunteers. One of the major factors influencing our plan to re- open the hall was the response to our consultation with volunteers. Although some wish to return to normal as soon as possible, many feel the risk is still too great and we must respect their individual views.

With only a third of the volunteers ready to come back, there are not enough people to fill the rotas. Bar volunteers were even more cautious than those for Coffee Shop, and that, combined with the difficulties in creating a safe workspace in the bar area, made it impossible to consider opening the bar at this stage in the pandemic. We hope that new volunteers will be recruited in the coming weeks and that, in time, others will feel comfortable in returning to their former roles.

Most of the people who run the regular classes and workshops are looking forward to returning to the hall soon. They do not rely on volunteers and will be in a better position to re-start as soon as the hall is ready. They are professional tutors and coaches who take on the responsibility for the health and safety of their clients and students while they are in the building. They will ensure that all health and safety guidance is adhered to so that their class members can feel comfortable in returning.

Details of classes and the pilot coffee shop will be posted on the Village Hall notice board as soon as start dates are known. We plan to re-open the building in a phased and thoughtful way and we are very much looking forward to this happening.

Best wishes and thanks to all of you who have supported us during this very difficult time.

The Village Hall Committee

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